
Book-Project Dissertation

Emotion and Threat Credibility: The Strategic Role of Anger in International Crises

Prevailing accounts in International Relations suggest that a threat’s credibility is shaped by the structure of countries that make threats, such as regime type, party politics, and power. However, there is substantial variation among structurally similar countries and among leaders within the same country. My book project addresses this question by offering a new theory that leaders’ anger expressions systematically influence the credibility of threat threats. I provide empirical evidence for this theory using a combination of text-as-data and experimental approaches. I built a dataset of world leaders' anger expressions and threats contained in public statements made in international crises between 1946-1996.  I show that threats are more effective when they are accompanied by anger, and and that this effect is mediated by perceptions of insensitivity to the cost of conflict.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Yoon, Hohyun. "Anger Expressions and Threat Credibility in International Crises." Forthcoming, American Journal of Political Science.

McWard, Andrew C, and Hohyun Yoon. 2023. "Preventing Coups and Seeking Allies: The Demand and Supply of Alliances for Coup-Proofing Regimes.Journal of Conflict Resolution.

Work in progress

Yoon, Hohyun, Michaela Mattes, and Jessica Weeks. "International Reactions to Offering Peace in Interstate War."

Yoon, Hohyun. "Anger, Audience Costs, and Signaling in International Crises."

Yoon, Hohyun. "Emotion Communications and Beliefs about Resolve."

Park, Yumi, and Hohyun Yoon. "A Behavioral Theory of Reputation for Cooperation."